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Hello Rensselaer County Animal Lover!

This website exists in support of our efforts to have safe, sanitary, and animal-appropriate shelter facilities for all dogs and cats in our county, and

we're glad you share this interest!

Did you know?

  • As of January 2023, the county and towns of Rensselaer County have no comprehensive plans in place to deal with stray, abandoned, or abused animals - despite existing laws.

  • When a dog gets lose and is picked up in Rensselaer County, we don't necessarily know where it will be brought and how it will be handled... Scary for dog owners for sure! Here is what we currently know.

  • Cats are not even dealt with at all! This is despite the fact that - by law - they are categorized as a companion animal.

  • Stray animals, cats and dogs alike, are a public health risk! The health and safety threats they pose may surprise you!

  • There is a petition - containing over 6,000 signatures - in support of a county-wide animal shelter. If you're not on it already, you can add your support here.

  • You can get involved in this effort! Indicate your interest here, and let's explore!


Paws in Shelters is an effort by a group of concerned citizens that calls itself Animal Shelter Committee of Rensselaer County. Our vision is to... [continue reading]


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